Friday, September 22, 2006

Wobby Howsan

Ah, Rob when he couldn't pronounce his 'R's. Those days are long gone- and now he's a sixteen year-old 'punk' who'se... an interesting soul, let us say. I do love my brother- all though he's kind of a doof. Well, what are elder brothers for? His full name is John Robert Larson, but he went by Wobby until he could talk, Robbie for a while, and now Rob- all though he did tell me he had his science teacher call him 'Bob'. You'll probably hear more about my dorky brother later- but that's all for now.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

A Bit (You Liar! Stupid Blogger Person!) About Me

So you've seen pictures and heard some stuff from me- but you probaby don't know much about me, so here are some random facts:

*My favorite colours are (in this strict order) rainforest green, midnight blue, and blood red- and though I love charchoal black it isn't really a colour.

*I live in Logan, Utah and go to Mount Logan Middle School. I am twelve years old.

*My birthday is December 29th.

*I am an avid reader and writer.

*My wish right now is that the rest of the world would go away and let me finish the book I'm writing!

*I have an obsession with weird words and English words (what am I saying? The English are weird!)

*I probably speak old English better than I speak this new moddern American.

*I can't stick to lists if my life depended on it and I never get my chores done on time!

*I love cats! They and penguins are tied for first for my favorite animal, and turtle runs a close second.

*I love people! They can be two or seventy two, male or female, human or alien- I love them all totally differently, but in equal ammounts!

*I am VERY opinionated. Visit my BLOG

*I love talking! I can literally talk ANYONE's ear off- teachers, friends, parents, crush, cat...

*My instrument of choice is the ocerina- it's easy, cool, and unique!

*I'm not fond of sports but I do like to dance, swim, and play tennis!


*My worst fears are sharks and clowns.

*I LOVE LOVE LOVE Zelda! And Mario Party! Mario Party Six is the best! I like N64 and Gamecube and all the old systems like Sega and Nintendo what-cha-ma-call-its.

*I am a totally awesome mormon! =P


*I like ice cream! Especially chocolate and strawberry ice cream and vanilla with chocolate syrup.

*I like postage stamps!

*I am right handed.

*I have brown hair and eyes that change colour but are more often than not brown (they have been known to turn green).

*I have this major crush on this guy, and a walk into things whenever I see him.

*I am a hopeless romantic- innit great?

*This list is getting WAY too long! Maybe I'll write more facts about myself later, but I think now everyone would be greatful if I stopped!


*Oh- I'm also the Main Editor of an online magazine and I'm a novelest and a pirate!

*I ALSO love to quote things- to the great irritation of all my friends.

*I really am going away now!



Monday, September 18, 2006

Hey Kara!

Good to have you back!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

1 AM

I'm sorry this BLOG has gotten so rambling and crazy and full of pictures- it's 1AM, I don't want to go to bed, and I don't have to 'cause we have noon church. (Ahh... I love having church at 12!) I really should go to bed now, but I'm restless...
So you'll just have to listen to me ramble... The site is called Mostly Random after all!

All I Need To Know About Life...

All I Need to know About Life I learned From My Cat

· Make the world your playground.

· Always find a good patch of sun to nap in and nap often.

· If you're not receiving enough attention, try knocking over some very expensive antique lamps.

· Curiosity never killed anything except maybe a few hours.

· When in doubt, cop an attitude.

· Variety is the spice of life. One day, ignore people; the next day, annoy them.

· Climb your way to the top, that's why the curtains are there.

· Always give generously; a bird or rodent left on the bed tells them, "I care".

· When you go out in the world, remember that being placed on a pedestal is a right, not a privilege.

My Favorite People!

I know the last post was a little messy and it is missing a couple people (my sixteen year-old brother for example) but I thought it would be fun for you to see some people in my life (yes, I know a cat is not a person). Here are some pictures of me, in case you're interested:

Saturday, September 16, 2006

My favorite people!

I know, I know... stick with my other blogs

But I can't!!! I have a Blog for my books, and that HAS to be password protected, I have a Blog set up for hating clowns, I have an acting one (that doesn't run because my friends are dorkwads), and so now I have to have this one for random things that don't involve putting up my stories or talking about the evils of clowns. This will mostly be about my daily life and my religion and things like that. So if you are some random person who has no idea who Kat!e Larson is- you are totally welcome to comment! PLEASE: NO cuss words or inappropriate for Mormon ears (or eyes I suppose) comments or they will swiftly be deleated. So, yeah.

Oh- I read today that random people are stupid. I was highly offended. I'm not as think as you dumb I am peoples! Golly, you'd think I was stoopid or sumthing. =P